Strategy Professional Formula GX by Purina

StrategyNew Braunfels Feed & Supply is proud to offer Strategy Professional Formula GX Horse Feed by Purina. In 1991, Strategy Professional Formula GX horse feed revolutionized horse nutrition by becoming the first commercial pelleted feed created for horses of all ages and lifestyles. Over 1 billion feedings later, it still the gold standard in convenience and value for horse professionals. Strategy offers many benefits including the following:

A Better Value
This feed provides highly digestible ingredients to support proper digestion and is nutritionally balanced eliminating the need for expensive supplements.

More Convenient
Pellets are easy to transport, feed and store and the ingredients appeals to even finicky horses for consistent intake.

Helps Breeding Horses Thrive
This feed keeps breeding stallions on a high nutrition plane and has enhanced amino acids to support fetal development and milk production in mares.

Promotes Strong Growth
The vitamins, minerals and protein found in this feed help promote strong bones, tendons and muscles.

Horses Look and Feel Better
The energy source promotes level temperament and lessens digestive disturbances in horses. Polyunsaturated oils help improve the overall appearance for shinier looking horses.

Top Performing Horses
High quality protein and enhanced amino acids help performance horses recover from training.

High Quality Proteins
You will be able to see the development in young horses and strong muscle maintenance in performance horses as well as fetal development.

For more information and feeding guidelines regarding Strategy Professional Formula GX by Purina, click here. Stop by New Braunfels Feed for all your horse care needs.