Alan’s Answers: How Do You Plant Onion Sets?

Stop by New Braunfels Feed & Supply for your onion sets! We have red, white and yellow in the store! Happy Planting!

Onions are a great cold season crop, they are easy to grow because of their durability. I recommend using onion sets, which can be planted without worry of frost damage and have a higher success rate than direct onion seed or transplants.

Planting Yellow Onion Sets: 

  • You can plant your onion sets as soon as your soil allows you to, try to avoid planting them in a dry bed.
  • Plant onion sets 4 inches apart in rows about 1 foot apart.
  • Plant them to where only the very tips of the sets are just showing through the soil.
  • Dig a hole in the soil with a trowel and place them in the hole with their necks at the top.
  • Do not push them into the soil as they may grow out of the soil as the season progresses.
  • Leave enough space in the rowes for weeding, you don’t want your onions to have to compete for nutrients with the weeds.
  • Keep the birds away from your newly planted onion sets with some type of protection, they have a tendency to lift you young crops right out of the soil.
  • Give your onions as long as possible to reach their maximum size.
  • The onion bulb will be mature when the foliage turns yellow and begins to tip over, but leave them for another couple of weeks before lifting out of the soil.
  • When your onions are fully ripe, choose a dry day and they will lift easily from the ground by hand.
  • Dry them and allow approximately 2-4 weeks for them to properly cure.
  • Now they are ready for your kitchen!
  • If your onions have developed thick ‘necks’ over the growing season, use them right away because they will not store well and will rot quickly.